Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Chapter 3 

Alice and a group of animals focus on getting dry. Alice starts to argue with Lory. The mouse interrupts their argument and beings to tell a history lesson. After the lesson has been told the animals and Alice are still wet. The Dodo suggest a caucus race. He places everyone in a specific place and he yells "GO!" Alice and the animals run around for half and hour until the Dodo declares that the race is over. The Dodo bird says everyone has won the race and remarks that Alice has a prize for everyone. Alice gives mints to everyone, but herself. Once everyone has finished up their mints, the mouse leaves. Alice wishes that her cat Dinah could bring the mouse back and begins to tell the animals how her cat eats birds. The animals scatter away once hearing this and Alice is once again left alone. A connection I can relate in 2016 is the fact that we have politics going on as of now. A new president will be elected this year. There is a bunch of commotions and arguments when dealing with the politic world. When dealing with politics you cross a bunch of arguments and disagreements as well as agreements. When Alice and Lory began to argue they were having a disagreement. It wasn't until the mouse jumped in and settled down the situation. The Dodo bird joined along and had everyone agree to his statement of having a caucus race. The story relates to 2016 by having a argument/disagreement leading to an agreement which is exactly what happened with Lory and Alice. Another connection made for 2016 is that recently a 27 year old college student has put up 50 million stolen research articles online for FREE! The satire used for this article is exaggeration. The reason why is because "50 million" is a big number and and huge amount of stolen articles. In chapter 3, The Dodo bird exaggerated the caucus race being making it half an hour long. By exaggeration is a form of satire and displays how the article I chose relates to 2016. 

This student put 50 million stolen research articles online. And they're free. (n.d.). Retrieved April 05, 2016, from https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/this-student-put-50-million-stolen-research-articles-online-and-theyre-free/2016/03/30/7714ffb4-eaf7-11e5-b0fd-073d5930a7b7_story.html


  1. I think that your summary of chapter three was great because you explained every aspect of the chapter into about one paragraph. I like how you added in the important parts of what each animal said.

  2. I think that your summary of chapter 3 was great because you explained what happened and how it connects to 2016. Also your blog was very detailed.
    - Dave Brewington

  3. I like how you explained chapter three thoroughly and exactly how it and how your summaries link to the connections.

  4. I really like your chapter 3 post because your connections showed be a different way of thinking of the chapter and you didn't leave out any details. Good Job!

  5. I agree with your Chapter 3 post very strongly. You explained how Chapter 3 related of the year of 2016. Great Information and Real Life Connections.~ Kattya Decembre
