Wednesday, April 13, 2016


The white rabbit goes up to Alice. He is looking for his gloves and fan. Alice tries to look for his lost items but can't find them. The white rabbit then mistakes Alice for his housemaid, "Mary Ann." After mistaking Alice for Mary Ann, he tells her to go find his lost items in his house. Alice who is frightened by the rabbit's words, she obeys his command. As she walks into the house, Alice starts to think how supernatural it is to take orders from animals. She starts imagining her very own cat Dinah, giving her orders, the same way the rabbit just did. Alice makes her way around the house and finds the gloves and fan as well as another "DRINK ME" bottle. Curious as Alice is, she drinks the bottle only to find her arms hang out the windows and her foot stuck in the chimney. Once Alice realizes her new size she believes that she has grown up and will never age. The white rabbit calls to Alice from below asking about his gloves and fan. He tries to barge into the door, but gets stopped by Alice's arm. He then tries to go through the window, but Alice waves him off. The white rabbit then gets his servant, Pat and they both figure out a way to fix the situation with Alice. Alice then again swats them both away. The two are now frustrated and they go get another helper who is a lizard named Bill. They tell Bill to climb down the chimney, but Alice kicks Bill into the air with her foot. Many passersby suggest to burn the house down. Alice remarks that if they do burn the house down, she will get Dinah on them. The crowd then starts throwing pebbles at Alice which eventually turns into cakes. Alice eats one of the cakes causing her to shrink smaller than her normal size. Once this happens, she leaves the house and a rush of animals come after her. Finding herself in the woods, she encounters a puppy who is very much bigger than her. Alice tries to escape by playing fetch with the puppy. After she does this, she sees a mushroom, climbs on top only to encounter a caterpillar smoking a hookah. Chapter 4 reminds me of how much Alice is maturing while on her adventures. She would shove away the white rabbit and brush off  Bill. To me this shows how much Alice values herself. I noticed throughout the story she is becoming a much stronger person then who she was back in chapter 1. Alice will continue to grow, mature, and think for herself. Of course, there will be many more encounters that Alice will face, but the encounters and adventures she has now will improve her for upcoming moments in the story. Also in chapter four Alice learns how to look at the problem from a different point of view and work around it. I think this chapter connects to the world in many ways. I have found many articles with many people working to change big problems. This is one of the articles I found, which is an example of people working together. Many people find ways to work out a problem to make a difference, like raising money for a cause, starting campaigns for a change in life, and much more . Throughout reading Alice Adventure's in wonderland is like a complex sentence.

Sengupta, S. (2016). The World Has a Problem: Too Many Young People. Retrieved April 13, 2016, from

Social Media// @YocelynandRaven'sAdventuresInWonderland


  1. I like Chapter 4 because its not too long and it is explained thoroughly. I really like the gif. Good job!

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  4. I like this blog because it's very detailed. I don't like that the summary is too long. I think if you shortened it that it would be a better blog.

  5. i like the way you explain chapter four you make it sound like you are in the 10th grade nice job
