Wednesday, April 27, 2016


In chapter 7 Alice comes across the mad hatter, the March hare and, the Dormouse having a tea party. They say that there was no room for her, but she sits down anyway. The march hare offers Alice some wine but there wasn’t any then Alice tells the march hare that he was uncivil he replies to her comment by saying that it was uncivil to sit at a tea party without being invited. The mad hatter tells Alice a riddle “why is a Raven like a writing desk.” Alice give up and get mad when she finds out that he didn’t know the answer either. They get into a big argument and when the argument was over everything was silent. The hatter breaks the silent at the table by asking the hare what time it was. When the March hare’s discover that his watch is broken the hatter becomes angry. Alice walks into the woods then she encounters a tree with a door in it which leads her back to the main hall. In the main hall, she go through another door at last arrives at the passageway to the garden

 Being exposed to mercury can be extremely dangerous and can cause manger side effects like headache mood swing hallucinations and more. In the Victorian era, they would these people mad and crazy not knowing how much danger these people. Some of these people knew the danger they were in working with mercury but they still stayed and worked there taking the risk of getting exposed. I think the hatter and hare been exposed to mercury because they have been showing all the side effects like hallucinations and mood swings.

        Lots of people enjoy the peaceful and enjoy things a tea party has to offer. Tea party have been around since the 1700’s and have been enjoy ever since. Have tea parties help people relax, solve a problem and, more. In this chapter the mad hatter, the March hare and, the dormouse is having a tea party but were extremely rude and impolite toward Alice when she wanted to join. In the Victorian era this behavior would be unacceptable unusually the men would be more polite and pull the chair out for the female but they didn’t do that at all. Instead they insulted her and been extremely rude. They could have been rude to Alice for many reason because she wasn’t invited, they did thing she was old enough or they just didn’t like her.

One example this is this link  (n.d.). Retrieved April 27, 2016, from this article shows how popular tea parties have been since 1879 - 2016


  1. this is good but your summary can use some improvement.
    where is your 2016 connection
