Wednesday, March 30, 2016

                                                                               Chapter 2 
Alice is crying, overthinking, upset, frustrated and other emotions she feels, while she cries her tears. She goes through many mood swings causing her to become bipolar. The way Alice has presented herself in the story, shows how much she has  developed while being in Wonderland. I can relate to chapter 2 because when growing up and going through different stages, it can cause different emotions and different reactions to certain moments in life. Alice started to go through many moods while crying her eyes out. She couldn't get what she wanted and because of this she has overflowed her tears. After, some time has passed, Alice reflects on how she shouldn't have cried so much. Her looking at her tears afterwards, shows how childish and possibly must be  embarrassed because of her own reactions. An example would be her not thinking before doing what she did. Alice will learn from her mistakes and grow from each experience she has, while stuck in wonderland. As for the original name of the book "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" you can simply see how each of Alice's decisions and actions becomes an experience to become more mature and learn from her "adventures". 


  1. I agree that Alice has major mood swings because crying isnt the only thing shes been doing even though it's a main part, she has also been lonley and seems to talk to herself more and more

  2. I agree with what you said because her emotions are all over the place. I didn't really see where the real life connection is.

  3. I agree with how you said that Alice will learn from this experience, but i feel you should add more real life examples to the reflection part of the post.

  4. I agree with you because I feel alice is still a naïve child that doesn't think before she acts.

  5. i like the article that you guys pic but please say a little more about it. but yes i do agree with you.

  6. The summary is amazing and i agree on your real life connections, with going through many mood swings while growing up.
