Thursday, April 21, 2016

Yocelyn : The fish like footman knocks on the door and then a frog footman opens the door. The fish footman hands the frog a invitation from the queen which invites the duchess to play croquet. They both bow at each other only to end up both their curly hair tangled together. This makes Alice laugh, which causes her to run away from the scene.When she comes back she sees the frog footman staring up at the sky. Alice walks up to the house and knocks. The frog explains that there is no point in knocking if they are both outside of the door and the noise from inside is overpowering her knock. Alice curious as always, opens the door to identify the noises. Inside the house she sees a duchess who holds a baby and a cook who is making a soup. The soup contains a lot of pepper which makes everyone but the cook and Cheshire cat sneeze, who is smiling a wide grin. Everyone, but Alice and the Cheshire goes mad. The duchess tosses the baby to Alice and Alice takes the baby with her not wanting to leave it with all the chaos. Alice then notices the baby is actually a pig so she lets it go into the forest. Her thoughts are interrupted by the Cheshire cat who sits on a tree. She ask the cat which direction she should take and the cat explains it doesn't matter. Alice then comes across another house which leads on to the next chapter. The interesting part throughout this chapter is the fact that the baby turns out into a pig. In my conclusion, because of all the pepper and sneezing the baby turned into a pig. Alice who possibly thought the baby was a human just as she is, took the baby to care for it but once it turned into a pig she let it run off into the woods. A way I can connect this story to 2016 is child abuse because most children are abuse all over the world. In this story the baby is abused by the duchess and because of this Alice took the baby with her. This article tells how a mother kills her baby over crying to loud while she was playing Farmville.
Jacksonville mom shakes baby for interrupting FarmVille ...

Raven :

Image result for the cheshire cat Image result for the cheshire cat

Alice comes across a house and knocks on the door. But the frog footman she comes across explains that she is outside no one will answer her since the people inside are making too much noise. She knows again and the door cracks open she goes inside to find a duchess nursing a baby, a  grinning cat, and a cook near the stove peppering a pot of soup. Alice learns that the cat is called a Cheshire cat and wonder asked why  the cat is grinning. The duchess insults Alice telling her that she must not know very much. Alice changes the subject and starts to talk about earth’s axes. The duchess misheard Alice and yells “chop off her head.” while she throws the baby at Alice. Alice catch the baby and runs out the door she stop and finds out the baby was a pig as she lets the pig go the runs into the Cheshire cat again and the cat suggest that she go see the mad hatter and the March hare.In the late Victorian era they did baby farming which was the practice of accepting custody of an infant or child in exchange for payment. This show how in the Victorian era they really care for their children. The way the duchess treated  her baby didn't connect to this fact. She treated her baby nicely until she got mad and threw the baby at Alice.


  1. I like both ideas from both students I think yall could work on adding compound-complex sentences

  2. I like this but i think it could be more detailed.

  3. i like the details that you added but i think that you could add a little more detail

    1. thank you i really appropriate your input and complements

  4. I having trouble understanding which is the summary and what is the connection and it is really long. Did you do two different summary paragraphs?

  5. I like how you wrote your summary because it wasn't long and it explained what happened in the chapter
