Wednesday, April 27, 2016


Alice enters a garden and comes across three playing cards, two, five, and seven, who are all painting the white roses red on the rose tree. They paint the roses red because they have planted white roses instead of red ones and now must paint all of them before the queen arrives. The queen of hearts appears and the three playing cards bow down to their majesty. Alice, who does not follow, is asked by the queen what her name is. Alice responds with great confidence, which displeases the queen. The queen yells “Off with her head!” only to be stopped by her husband, the king. The queen agrees with the king's remark explaining “She is only a child”. The queen of hearts then notices the roses that have been painted red by the three playing cards. She gets furious and yells “Off with their heads!” Alice saves the day by hiding them in a flower pot from being executed. Alice then follows the queen to play croquet. She notices the white rabbit at the event. He explains how the duchess was put into prison for execution for messing with the queen's ears. Alice then comes across croquet balls as hedgehogs and the mallets as flamingos. The cards act as arches for the ball to go through. She has a difficult time understanding and playing the game. Later on during the game, Alice steps away from the game of croquet only to be surprised to see the Cheshire cat. Alice and the cat share a interesting discussion until the king notices Alice conversating. The king decides to join and makes rude remarks to the cat. The Cheshire pays no mind to the king's taunts. This infuriates the king and ask the queen to remove the cat. The queen orders for his head to be cut off. The king, queen, and executor argue that you can't cut off a head without a body which then leads them asking Alice for advice. Alice suggest asking the duchess. They all run to fetch the duchess, this gives a chance for the Cheshire cat to vanishing away from the situation. By the time they come back the Cheshire cat has already disappeared making the king more angry then he was before.  

Red resembles passion. The queen of hearts had a passion, but for what? Love? Hate? A passion for cutting heads? It's a possibility. The roses were white before they were painted red. The color white resembles purity, innocence, and new beginnings. Once the white roses where covered up with red paint, to me this signified the meaning of how innocence, purity, and or new beginnings are then covered up by passion. The Queen of Hearts is based on Queen Victoria. At the age of 18, queen Victoria took over the throne. At the age of 21, she became married to her cousin Albert. This was a new beginning for her which involved in her losing her innocence and purity because of passion. Passion for being a queen, passion for ruling, passion for being married, whatever it may be. An interesting fact about Queen Victoria is that she had a child of her own named Alice. In total, Alexandrina Victoria (which is actually her full name) had 9 children. She wasn't very fond of children. Didn't even take care of her own children to be exact. Just like in this story, queen Victoria was a heartless and hard headed person. She wasn't the type to be willing to change her ideas or opinions. I feel as if the queen of hearts name has the word heart in it because she doesn't have a heart of her own. When she would get upset and furious the first thing that came to her mind was "Off with their head!" To me, this shows how cold hearted she actually is. She didn't think twice about her decision until someone told her to reconsider.

Facts about Queen Victoria for kids. (n.d.). Retrieved April 22, 2016, from

Pruitt, S. (2013). 5 Things You May Not Know About Queen Victoria. Retrieved April 22, 2016, from

In chapter 7 Alice comes across the mad hatter, the March hare and, the Dormouse having a tea party. They say that there was no room for her, but she sits down anyway. The march hare offers Alice some wine but there wasn’t any then Alice tells the march hare that he was uncivil he replies to her comment by saying that it was uncivil to sit at a tea party without being invited. The mad hatter tells Alice a riddle “why is a Raven like a writing desk.” Alice give up and get mad when she finds out that he didn’t know the answer either. They get into a big argument and when the argument was over everything was silent. The hatter breaks the silent at the table by asking the hare what time it was. When the March hare’s discover that his watch is broken the hatter becomes angry. Alice walks into the woods then she encounters a tree with a door in it which leads her back to the main hall. In the main hall, she go through another door at last arrives at the passageway to the garden

 Being exposed to mercury can be extremely dangerous and can cause manger side effects like headache mood swing hallucinations and more. In the Victorian era, they would these people mad and crazy not knowing how much danger these people. Some of these people knew the danger they were in working with mercury but they still stayed and worked there taking the risk of getting exposed. I think the hatter and hare been exposed to mercury because they have been showing all the side effects like hallucinations and mood swings.

        Lots of people enjoy the peaceful and enjoy things a tea party has to offer. Tea party have been around since the 1700’s and have been enjoy ever since. Have tea parties help people relax, solve a problem and, more. In this chapter the mad hatter, the March hare and, the dormouse is having a tea party but were extremely rude and impolite toward Alice when she wanted to join. In the Victorian era this behavior would be unacceptable unusually the men would be more polite and pull the chair out for the female but they didn’t do that at all. Instead they insulted her and been extremely rude. They could have been rude to Alice for many reason because she wasn’t invited, they did thing she was old enough or they just didn’t like her.

One example this is this link  (n.d.). Retrieved April 27, 2016, from this article shows how popular tea parties have been since 1879 - 2016

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Yocelyn : The fish like footman knocks on the door and then a frog footman opens the door. The fish footman hands the frog a invitation from the queen which invites the duchess to play croquet. They both bow at each other only to end up both their curly hair tangled together. This makes Alice laugh, which causes her to run away from the scene.When she comes back she sees the frog footman staring up at the sky. Alice walks up to the house and knocks. The frog explains that there is no point in knocking if they are both outside of the door and the noise from inside is overpowering her knock. Alice curious as always, opens the door to identify the noises. Inside the house she sees a duchess who holds a baby and a cook who is making a soup. The soup contains a lot of pepper which makes everyone but the cook and Cheshire cat sneeze, who is smiling a wide grin. Everyone, but Alice and the Cheshire goes mad. The duchess tosses the baby to Alice and Alice takes the baby with her not wanting to leave it with all the chaos. Alice then notices the baby is actually a pig so she lets it go into the forest. Her thoughts are interrupted by the Cheshire cat who sits on a tree. She ask the cat which direction she should take and the cat explains it doesn't matter. Alice then comes across another house which leads on to the next chapter. The interesting part throughout this chapter is the fact that the baby turns out into a pig. In my conclusion, because of all the pepper and sneezing the baby turned into a pig. Alice who possibly thought the baby was a human just as she is, took the baby to care for it but once it turned into a pig she let it run off into the woods. A way I can connect this story to 2016 is child abuse because most children are abuse all over the world. In this story the baby is abused by the duchess and because of this Alice took the baby with her. This article tells how a mother kills her baby over crying to loud while she was playing Farmville.
Jacksonville mom shakes baby for interrupting FarmVille ...

Raven :

Image result for the cheshire cat Image result for the cheshire cat

Alice comes across a house and knocks on the door. But the frog footman she comes across explains that she is outside no one will answer her since the people inside are making too much noise. She knows again and the door cracks open she goes inside to find a duchess nursing a baby, a  grinning cat, and a cook near the stove peppering a pot of soup. Alice learns that the cat is called a Cheshire cat and wonder asked why  the cat is grinning. The duchess insults Alice telling her that she must not know very much. Alice changes the subject and starts to talk about earth’s axes. The duchess misheard Alice and yells “chop off her head.” while she throws the baby at Alice. Alice catch the baby and runs out the door she stop and finds out the baby was a pig as she lets the pig go the runs into the Cheshire cat again and the cat suggest that she go see the mad hatter and the March hare.In the late Victorian era they did baby farming which was the practice of accepting custody of an infant or child in exchange for payment. This show how in the Victorian era they really care for their children. The way the duchess treated  her baby didn't connect to this fact. She treated her baby nicely until she got mad and threw the baby at Alice.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Alice meets a caterpillar that was sitting on a mushroom smoking a hookah pipe. Alice was speechless as they stared at each other in silence. “Who are you?” the caterpillar ask breaking the silence. Alice, having a hard time explaining herself gives up and starts to walk away. The caterpillar feeling offended, calls her back only to receipt a poem. After she has finished, the caterpillar questions what size she would like to be. Alice says that being 3 inches tall, is a terrible height to be which insults the caterpillar since he is 3 inches exactly. The caterpillar then crawls away feeling a great amount of disrespect and disturbance, but before he leaves, he gives again Alice another piece of useful advice identifying that one side of the mushroom with make you shrink smaller and the other will make you grow taller. In the story, the caterpillar, which Alice comes across, doesn’t have a specific color mentioned, but usually a caterpillar would be either green meaning supernatural or possibly black meaning death or the end of something. To concur into more detail, supernatural would identify that what Alice is going through is out of range and is not likely to happen. Death or the end of something would be identified as Alice ending this growing smaller or taller segment while adventuring around in Wonderland. The caterpillar is seen smoking a hookah and a way I can relate this to 2016 is how when people are addicted to something such as a drug, they become more conceited with themselves and have a higher range of mood swings such as the caterpillar. A series of gifs have been provided below to demonstrate the caterpillars advice. Each gif is provided with one of the caterpillars advice along with an explanation. Overall, in this chapter I can come to conclude and agree that this chapter shows Alice focusing on her priorities such as becoming the size she desires and taking risk by eating each side of the mushroom not knowing what the out come will turn out to be.


Hold your temper.
The woman is mad/upset and she handles her temper by slamming the door.

Be careful of your surroundings.

The women is searching with her magnifying glass.

Keep your temper.

The guy gets mad at a result of the game on TV, and he ends up throwing something at the and throws the TV on the ground.

One side makes you bigger, one side makes you smaller.


Alice is confused because she doesn’t know which side of the mushroom to chose from.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016


The white rabbit goes up to Alice. He is looking for his gloves and fan. Alice tries to look for his lost items but can't find them. The white rabbit then mistakes Alice for his housemaid, "Mary Ann." After mistaking Alice for Mary Ann, he tells her to go find his lost items in his house. Alice who is frightened by the rabbit's words, she obeys his command. As she walks into the house, Alice starts to think how supernatural it is to take orders from animals. She starts imagining her very own cat Dinah, giving her orders, the same way the rabbit just did. Alice makes her way around the house and finds the gloves and fan as well as another "DRINK ME" bottle. Curious as Alice is, she drinks the bottle only to find her arms hang out the windows and her foot stuck in the chimney. Once Alice realizes her new size she believes that she has grown up and will never age. The white rabbit calls to Alice from below asking about his gloves and fan. He tries to barge into the door, but gets stopped by Alice's arm. He then tries to go through the window, but Alice waves him off. The white rabbit then gets his servant, Pat and they both figure out a way to fix the situation with Alice. Alice then again swats them both away. The two are now frustrated and they go get another helper who is a lizard named Bill. They tell Bill to climb down the chimney, but Alice kicks Bill into the air with her foot. Many passersby suggest to burn the house down. Alice remarks that if they do burn the house down, she will get Dinah on them. The crowd then starts throwing pebbles at Alice which eventually turns into cakes. Alice eats one of the cakes causing her to shrink smaller than her normal size. Once this happens, she leaves the house and a rush of animals come after her. Finding herself in the woods, she encounters a puppy who is very much bigger than her. Alice tries to escape by playing fetch with the puppy. After she does this, she sees a mushroom, climbs on top only to encounter a caterpillar smoking a hookah. Chapter 4 reminds me of how much Alice is maturing while on her adventures. She would shove away the white rabbit and brush off  Bill. To me this shows how much Alice values herself. I noticed throughout the story she is becoming a much stronger person then who she was back in chapter 1. Alice will continue to grow, mature, and think for herself. Of course, there will be many more encounters that Alice will face, but the encounters and adventures she has now will improve her for upcoming moments in the story. Also in chapter four Alice learns how to look at the problem from a different point of view and work around it. I think this chapter connects to the world in many ways. I have found many articles with many people working to change big problems. This is one of the articles I found, which is an example of people working together. Many people find ways to work out a problem to make a difference, like raising money for a cause, starting campaigns for a change in life, and much more . Throughout reading Alice Adventure's in wonderland is like a complex sentence.

Sengupta, S. (2016). The World Has a Problem: Too Many Young People. Retrieved April 13, 2016, from

Social Media// @YocelynandRaven'sAdventuresInWonderland

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Chapter 3 

Alice and a group of animals focus on getting dry. Alice starts to argue with Lory. The mouse interrupts their argument and beings to tell a history lesson. After the lesson has been told the animals and Alice are still wet. The Dodo suggest a caucus race. He places everyone in a specific place and he yells "GO!" Alice and the animals run around for half and hour until the Dodo declares that the race is over. The Dodo bird says everyone has won the race and remarks that Alice has a prize for everyone. Alice gives mints to everyone, but herself. Once everyone has finished up their mints, the mouse leaves. Alice wishes that her cat Dinah could bring the mouse back and begins to tell the animals how her cat eats birds. The animals scatter away once hearing this and Alice is once again left alone. A connection I can relate in 2016 is the fact that we have politics going on as of now. A new president will be elected this year. There is a bunch of commotions and arguments when dealing with the politic world. When dealing with politics you cross a bunch of arguments and disagreements as well as agreements. When Alice and Lory began to argue they were having a disagreement. It wasn't until the mouse jumped in and settled down the situation. The Dodo bird joined along and had everyone agree to his statement of having a caucus race. The story relates to 2016 by having a argument/disagreement leading to an agreement which is exactly what happened with Lory and Alice. Another connection made for 2016 is that recently a 27 year old college student has put up 50 million stolen research articles online for FREE! The satire used for this article is exaggeration. The reason why is because "50 million" is a big number and and huge amount of stolen articles. In chapter 3, The Dodo bird exaggerated the caucus race being making it half an hour long. By exaggeration is a form of satire and displays how the article I chose relates to 2016. 

This student put 50 million stolen research articles online. And they're free. (n.d.). Retrieved April 05, 2016, from