Wednesday, March 30, 2016

                                                                               Chapter 2 
Alice is crying, overthinking, upset, frustrated and other emotions she feels, while she cries her tears. She goes through many mood swings causing her to become bipolar. The way Alice has presented herself in the story, shows how much she has  developed while being in Wonderland. I can relate to chapter 2 because when growing up and going through different stages, it can cause different emotions and different reactions to certain moments in life. Alice started to go through many moods while crying her eyes out. She couldn't get what she wanted and because of this she has overflowed her tears. After, some time has passed, Alice reflects on how she shouldn't have cried so much. Her looking at her tears afterwards, shows how childish and possibly must be  embarrassed because of her own reactions. An example would be her not thinking before doing what she did. Alice will learn from her mistakes and grow from each experience she has, while stuck in wonderland. As for the original name of the book "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" you can simply see how each of Alice's decisions and actions becomes an experience to become more mature and learn from her "adventures". 

Tuesday, March 29, 2016


Alice is presented in a meadow with her older sister. Her sister is reading a book with no pictures. As Alice she peeks through the books her sister is reading, Alice wonders to herself “Why would and anyone want to read a book with no picture or no conversations?” Bored as she is, Alice begins to wandering in her mind. As she goes into a field of Daisies, she is caught up in curiosity when she sees a white rabbit with pink eyes saying “I’m late.” Alice sees the rabbit go down a dark hole and follows, which leads her to falling down into a hole and end up in peculiar land. The two articles we chose connect to the story, because Alice is changing, maturing and has more curiosity once she falls down the rabbit hole and falls into a new world. The first article connects to chapter one, because in the article Obama is going to visit Cuba and makes a statement saying “change is going to happen”. This article relates to the story because when Alice sees the white rabbit go into the dark black hole, she follows the rabbit and goes down the rabbit hole as well. This signifies the fact that Alice’s innocence is coming to an end and change is about to occur in her life. The second news article we picked is related to the story ‘’Alice and Wonderland’’ because it demonstrates on how people are maturing and hitting puberty much younger than normal. It shows how back in 2000, the ages of hitting puberty is through the ages of 12-16, but now in 2016, the ages are 8-16. I believe this article relates to ‘’Alice and Wonderland’’ because, throughout her adventure she is maturing and learning how to adapt as the the story evolves. During Victorian times, it was expected for a young girl to be around an older female and wear dresses. Alice wears a dress which symbolizes her being a female and or proper young child. There were certain ways a female had to act and dress during the Victorian times. When her sister is reading a book she is symbolizing the structures that were expected during the Victorian days. The same goes for Alice. She wears a dress suited for her age. In the Victorian age women weren't really allowed to do as much as we are allowed today.

News Article 1
Francis, E. (n.d.). Exclusive: Obama Begins Historic Visit in Cuba: 'Change Is Going to Happen' Retrieved March 24, 2016, from

News Article 2
Chalabi, M. (2013). Why is puberty starting younger? Retrieved March 24, 2016, from

Victorian Resources 
Victorian Era Britain Life: Status Of Women, Social Structure, Architecture. (n.d.). Retrieved March 23, 2016, from

Victorian Era Britain Life: Status Of Women, Social Structure, Architecture. (n.d.). Retrieved March 23, 2016, from